Magnetic resonance

MRI is the medical imaging method that uses a strong magnetic field to induce magnetism (i.e., equilibrium within a magnetic field) of some atoms – hydrogen – in the human body and radio waves to change the direction of this magnetism. MRI scans a very good distinction between body tissues and is extremely useful in examining the brain, muscles, heart, joints and SS. In addition, it does not work with radiation (X-rays) and so there are no identified side effects in the subject.

On MRI it is not possible to examine (absolute contraindications):


  • Patients with pacemaker or metal valve
  • Patients with total hip arthroplasty (unless the nodules are made of titanium)
  • Patients with metal foreign bodies near noble organs (eg shrapnel near eye)
  • Pregnant in the first trimester of pregnancy


For patients with claustrophobia (may need the help of an anesthesiologist).

The help of an anesthesiologist may also be needed by young people or people who do not cooperate, as the examination requires immobility and cooperation.

Siemens Impact 1.0T MRI operates in our diagnostic center

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